Lily Wallet v1.3 adds support for Nano S+, outgoing channel selection for lightning


This release of Lily Wallet updates the HWI library to v2.1.1 to support Ledger’s Nano S+ hardware wallet and allows users to select which lightning channel to send outgoing payments through.

There are also several minor bug fixes that users pointed out to us.

Lily Wallet v1.2 Header

Outgoing channel selection

In previous versions of Lily Wallet, we allowed LND to select which channel to send lightning network payments through.

This latest version allows users to select the channel to send money on the lightning network. This functionality gives users more control over payments and enables users to balance a particular channel by sending through it.

Lily Wallet v1.2 Header

After providing an invoice to Lily Wallet, the confirm payment screen will display the invoice details.

This new version includes a link to “Choose outgoing channel” underneath the user’s node alias and balance.

When clicked, a slideover displays the user’s current channels and local and remote balances.

The user can select which channel to send their payment through, save, and then send it on the confirm screen.

Lily Wallet v1.2 Header

To try it out, head over to the download page on the Lily Wallet website.

As always, the code is open source and can be reviewed on Github.

Lily Wallet